Friday, October 13, 2023

A Letter to My Third Daughter on Your Adoption Day

Dear Morrigan, 

About 24 hours after you were born we knew you were coming to our house. You were born in 2020 - a very unusual year that you’ll learn about in history one day. When the people who make these decisions

called me they were having a hard time finding foster parents who would take a baby from the hospital because of the threat of Covid. Bubbie was working from home and was in a session on Zoom with a client when they called so I couldn’t talk to her. I called Maddie and asked if she could help us more if we said yes and she was thrilled! Maddie said yes before Bubbie knew! 

They initially told us that you had relatives you’d be going to and the pandemic might slow that down but that was the plan. It wasn’t too long before we learned that wouldn’t be happening. We did get to know your great aunt and grandmother and hope they stay important to you as you grow up. Your grandmother lives in Columbia and we want you to know that’s a part of who you are.  Your first mom also loves you very much and we will do everything we can to help you know her as you grow.

You fit right into our family as a fifth child who loved to sleep! We stayed at home most of the time for your first months, and year really. You were super skeptical of strangers for a long time but now at 3 you’re often the life of the party. You definitely have your favorites and sometimes you can be fickle but you have loved your brothers and sisters since day 1.  

You spent your first 3 years with B who is just six months older than you are. You were basically twins! His move to his first mom’s house still feels very new and hard for us and we know you feel it too. Your connection was special and deep and it’s been hard to watch that change for you. 

What the judge says and does today means that Bubbie and I are your parents forever and ever. You are the sixth Olive-Allison to ever exist! Your middle name changes today to Mercy. Bubbie may have other reasons she suggested this as your name but I have two. About nine months before you were born I was trying to get pregnant. That didn’t work but your timing was perfect and a special gift and reminder for me. And secondly - we will have the same initials so you can share all of my monogramed things! How cool will that be?! :) 

Another cool gift of timing is that you and Sam will share an adopt-a-versary! She was adopted on October 13 too!  Your adoption means we won’t have more foster kids in our home. This has only been the case for a handful of months over the last ten years. Bubbie and I aren’t exactly sure what will happen next but it definitely feels different. 

Morrigan Mercy Olive-Allison, you are loved by your family near and far and by a big, big, village. You are a delight and I am honored I get to be your Mama. 



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